The Voyage
Powatheta signature workshop

The Voyage is a unique and ground breaking workshop consisting of six 4 hour long modules each designed to arm you with powerful energetic tools and concepts so that you can live your life with passion and purpose. Designed specifically for those interested in living an inspired purposeful life, The Voyage provides intuitive tools, transformational healing and divine guidance in a playful and poetic way.
Participants need no previous energy healing experience nor are required to have any religious or spiritual beliefs. You only need to come with a willingness to be open to new ideas, a sense of curiosity and be prepared to experience profound paradigm shifts in a remarkably short time.
The Spirit of Adventure (in which we meet our inner child)
The Problem
- You are highly critical of yourself and to a lesser extent critical of others
- You do not allow yourself time to ‘smell the roses’
- You feel you need to prove your worth to yourself and others
- You are ultra-busy with very little time for yourself
- Work assumes the major importance in your life
- You feel you don’t really know who you are and have lost yourself
The Solution
- Seeing yourself in your true essence you are able to accept yourself as you are
- You open yourself to being rather than to be
The Transformation
- You become more compassionate to yourself and others
- You learn to love yourself
- You relax, let go of yourself and rediscover the art of play
The Tools
- Return to innocence process
- Creative card activity
After doing this course your life will change irrevocably. You will redefine yourself and some of the people around you will embrace your change and others will not be able to. Be prepared for major shifts which will keep unfolding over time. It is a joyous opportunity to grow in a safe environment, guided by the highest power available and facilitated by highly skilled practitioners who hold your best interests at heart.
There is no other course like it in the world in terms of practicality, speed of transformation and energy field enhancement.
Taking place either over six weekends, three weekends or two days per week depending on demand. Places will be limited and course material specifically generated for participants.
Booking essential. Please contact us for course dates